Personal finance

Renovating in NYC: Part 2 of ?

August came and went quietly.

July 27: We responded to comments made by the building engineer, after correcting our format which the engineer did not like

August 3: I did a check in. My building management was snippy about me checking. Eye roll don’t care.

August 4: Magically the next day I get the building engineer’s response wanting more detail around an air conditioner.

August 10: We submit what the engineer wanted.

August 17: The NYC Department of Buildings reviews our submission, and tells us that we are missing a form.

August 18: We submit the missing form.

August 20: The building engineer approved, the entire alteration proposal goes to the co-op board.

September 4: I did a check in with the property manager to see if the coop board has reviewed.

September 15: The coop board approves our renovation, 3 months after I start the paperwork. Still no word from the DOB

September 16, 17: A few phone calls made to the DOB helpline, 311 helpline, my architect / expediter finally schedules a Zoom meeting with a plan examiner. As it turns out, the entire month that we were waiting for a response from the plan examiner, the plan examiner was waiting for us to schedule a meeting with him (it used to be an automatic response).

September 18: Got clarity from plan examiner that we’re missing a form. We will re-submit on Monday September 21. Still not certain if our building is letting my contractor work, because there’s an unclosed piece of business with another owner in my building.

September 22: I pay $350 for the building engineer who reviewed our plans on behalf of the building’s board. I search for a new contractor

September 23: DOB approves our renovation!!!

September 24: I decide on a new contractor.

Let’s see what October brings! Will we finish the renovation by Halloween? Who knows!


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