Capsule wardrobe

Capsule Wardrobe: Spring 2018

The last time I showed my closet was back in October 2016, so I’m updating this blog to show another look at my wardrobe, which is now flipped to spring mode. Since just 1.5 years ago, a lot of the pieces remain the same, but I did upgrade some of the professional pieces. 2 shift dresses changed, and as it is spring, this is the first time you guys as readers are seeing some of my summer stuff, which were all bought in the last year or so.

The majority of these clothes are for work and that’s where I put my money.

So I confess, I’m cheating a bit. I clearly own more clothes than this. What you don’t see are my shoes (~11 pairs), jackets (I have 2 for spring), intimates / underwear (enough to last 2 weeks so I don’t have to launder as often), formal wear (5 – 7 dresses… my main weakness where I splurge though I should not), and workout / lounge clothes (about 10 pieces). I also have a few pieces that I literally only wear on vacations (almost all casual pieces bought for less than $10). I also bought too many sweaters during the winter, ended up not liking half of them.

Here is an example of me wearing different things over 9 days. The items that get repeated include the striped shirt, jeans, slacks, and blazer

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