Capsule wardrobe

Stage 2 of a Minimalist Wardrobe: Day parts

You got rid of a bunch of old clothes when I explained how to edit down your closet. Your closet just shrank. Ready to go shopping? NOT YET!

Take out a piece of paper, or do this on your computer.
Divide a week into 14 day-parts – day, and night. If you work out very frequently, consider 3 day-parts – workout, day, and night. Over these 14 or 21 day parts, assign a wearing occasion to each day part from the below:

– Lounge wear
– Sports / athletic wear
– Casual wear (could be lumped together with lounge wear)
– Business casual (anything that involves professional clothing)
– Formal wear (this includes full business attire, special occasion)

This should be done on a “typical” day basis. For example, if on a typical Tuesday night, you are wearing casual wear, but maybe once a month, you are formal, then the wearing occasion you assign to it is casual wear.

You can see one example from my life below

This gives you a pretty quick image of how much of your closet, space-wise should be dedicated to each occasion. For example, if you spend all your days in athleisure, but have a huge closet of formal dresses, there’s a mismatch.

Stay tuned for the next step, and check out other pieces I have written about a capsule wardrobe

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