Personal finance

Five small joys under $10 per person

Everyone needs a little bit of joy in their lives. We are human beings and for that reason, we cannot be expected to live like emotion-less robots. However, if financial circumstances force you to be creative for cheap, it can feel like a struggle, when comparing to others. Check out some ideas for some joy that cost less than $10 a person.

1. Amazon movie rental and home-made popcorn

I learned how to pop my popcorn and have not gone back to microwaveable popcorn after reading this blog post on Simply Recipes. It is so easy. I use a non-stick pan, but you can use a pot, pan, stainless steel, ceramic, cast iron, it all works the same. A large bag of corn kernels that you can get from your local supermarket makes more than 20 batches is often less than $3.

Then go to Amazon, and rent a movie. The older the movie, the less it costs. Prices usually range from $3 – $7. If you are watching on a small screen, skip the HD.

2. Rent a bike and ride around town

For those in cities with bike-sharing programs, such as Boston’s Hubway, a bike rental can be a fun way to explore a neighborhood and get some exercise at the same time. Protect your life and wear a helmet and bike safely. If you have your own bike, then this is free!

3. Offer to dog or cat sit for a friend for half a day

I am an owner of two cats, and before these two critters came into my life, I had no idea how much they would change my life. Pets help calm you down after a rough day, and with the right breed and personality, they can really complement your emotional needs. Pet therapy is a thing!

4. Free museum days

Programs such as Bank of America’s Museums on Us are a great way for you to get some culture on the house. Better yet, for all of your local museums, check their admissions page to see if they offer special free or pay-what-you-wish hours.

It’s not just the U.S.! You can enjoy a free day at the Vatican Museum in Italy on the last Sunday of every month

5. Happy hours

Eat, drink, and people watch! There are so many happy hours happening all the time, the key here is being able to attend them and only limiting yourself to one drink. For that trick, I often bring only enough cash to cover one drink and leave my credit card at home. Offer to meet friends at happy hours and both of you get to enjoy some easy time on your wallet.

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