
Finding a Purpose Driven Career with Find Your Voice

What are my strengths? How can I define my passion? How can I find a passion that pays? What if I don’t know how to find a passion?

Brittany Gillman at Find Your Voice and I pre-recorded this video to help you recognize your strengths, map your strengths to what the world needs, and create action items to complete to keep going forward. Brittany has worked in Organizational Psychology for 8 years at companies like Google, Deloitte, and JetBlue and launched initiatives that impact thousands of people. Be sure to follow Brittany on Instagram at @findyourvoice_coach

You can play the video below, and there are links below the video for more resources

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We mentioned several books, resources, and tips for how you can take what we have taught you and apply it forward:

StrengthsFinder 2.0 – this book can help you identify your strengths

Give and Take – this book examines what kind of networkers are the most successful (spoiler alert – givers) and how you can build a strong network like them in modern times

The Art of Possibility – two artists / musicians explain how to apply creative design thinking to your professional life

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – a great book that provides a framework for how to work through team conflicts

Harvard Business Review – well researched business articles to help you understand how to see the world through strategic frameworks

Sara Blakely – the instagram account of a female entrepreneur powerhouse, the inventor of Spanx. Also check out this episode of How I Built This featuring her story

Online learning resources: 500 free online courses from Ivy League schools,, Udemy



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