Personal financeEarly Retirement

Featured: HuffPost, BankRate, and CNBC Select

The Huffington Post recently published an article you’ve gotta see that is full of helpful info on ways to save for one of the biggest costs of many peoples’ lives: college.

Save My Cents is all about helping you with your money one cent at a time, and saving your cents for college and higher education can help pave a way to prepare for a career path and future that is important to you!

In this Huffpost article “7 Ways To Save On Your Kid’s College Costs,” I emphasize the power of starting to save for college as soon as possible and some available accounts to put your money in for extra efficiency and possible tax savings. I include a surprise twist though—caregivers of students should likely prioritize their retirement first, since they may have a shorter opportunity window to see their investments grow.

If you see higher education in your future, or if you have a loved one who is planning on attending college or school, make sure you take a look and see which actions you can apply to your situation!

Want to learn more about the best and worst states to relocate? Another feature in Bankrate discusses tips for retirement and how to make the most of your money – “The best and worst states to retire in 2023, ranked


Last but not least, want to learn all about what the heck early retirement is all about? In this fantastic feature on CNBC Select called “What is the FIRE movement?” I dish about what made it possible for us to reach FIRE in our 30s, and also why it is challenging and what makes it harder.

Want to learn more about saving a dignified, on-time retirement in the United States? Check out my Save My Retirement Masterclass – the most comprehensive class on saving a retirement.


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