Personal finance

Featured: NextAdvisor, Real Simple, Acorns + CNBC Grow

This past month everything was hitting differently in so many different (and good) ways. I had a mental health breakthrough. I found a pace of work that worked for everything that I was trying to juggle. And I got featured in three widely respected, national-level personal finance / lifestyle media outlets.

Time / NextAdvisorAs a Chinese-American, Becoming a Millionaire Meant Unlearning My Parents’ Money Lessons

When this article got published, it became one of the most read articles that day, and even ended up in the top 10 of Time’s daily newsletter! I sat down with Mercedes of NextAdvisor and spoke a little more at length on the article here.

CNBC / Grow: I saved 30%-50% of my income and became a millionaire in my 30s: Here’s my best advice

Grow, the blog by Acorns + CNBC, also shared a really great synopsis of my path to work optional. I appreciated how they were able to weave my story without sharing all of my numbers – a rule that I have in place to protect myself and my family. In fact, shortly after this article got published, I got a lot of random emails from people who felt that there was no way this was true. Except it is. Therein lies the scarcity mindset! If you see success and you want to pick it apart, then you have scarcity mindset, and that kind of mindset will limit you!

Real Simple: AAPI Personal Finance Trendsetters to Follow

I really appreciate that Real Simple pulled together this list of AAPI Personal Finance Trendsetters just in time for AAPI Heritage Month, which was in May. I know many of these creators and highly recommend that you check them out on the platform that works the best for you.

For even more helpful Save My Cents money tips, follow me at @savemycents on Instagram and @savemycentsfb on Facebook.

Be sure to grab this special budget sheet if you’re just starting out with a budget, or join my Save My Retirement! Masterclass wait list if you desire more knowledge about investing for retirement and your future.


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