Early Retirement

Guest appearance, @nerdsguidetofi Podcast

I am so excited that I was able to connect with Sarah, one of my closest Instagram friends, and talk about investing to work optional on her Podcast. Visit this link to listen and here’s the guide to the topics. Please keep in mind that for topics that focus on retirement, my audience is primarily the U.S.

04:10 How did I get started on my work optional journey

06:57 How children change your financial journey

08:50 Managing a home renovation in NYC

12:30 Negotiating advice and passion in a career

17:57 What is negotiable in a job search?

23:49 Thoughts on investing in stocks and financial advisors

25:45 Why you need a great CPA

28:10 What to look for in a CPA

31:00 What books to read for investing. What resources are good. Understanding differences between accounts and investments

34:00 The only metric I use to differentiate between funds and how to calculate the break-even point of a fund

38:00 Traditional vs. Roth IRA, what do I think?

41:00 How much time do I dedicate to personal finance? Which gurus matter?

46:00 Thoughts on paying off the mortgage early. Is a home an investment?

49:30 Be careful of who you listen to when it comes to advice

52:00 Redefining FI/RE as a lifestyle and what I believe for the majority of Americans

Follow Sarah @nerdsguidetofi on Instagram to see how she is working her way to wealth via being a DIY landlord and all around boss mom.

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Want to learn a way not to lose your mind while dealing with pandemic? Would you like to know the system that allowed me to pull back on my own spending when I saved my way to FI/RE? Check out my Five Weeks to Abundance course – grounded in psychology and neuroscience, it is guaranteed to help you achieve a more peaceful and joyful state of mind.


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