Personal finance

Featured: “NextUp: The 25 Most Influential New Voices of Money”

I’m so excited I was named to NextAdvisor’s inaugural list of the 25 most influential new voices in finance! I was nominated as “Voice of Reason” with NextAdvisor’s kind words of sharing a “voice of calm, clarity, and compassion amid the anxiety of modern money management.”

This NextUp list of 25 inspiring financial influencers was created as, “the result of two years of reporting, research, and reflections on personal finance by the team of NextAdvisor, which is published in partnership with TIME,” and included vulnerability, transparency, and motivation to lift their community up and help others.

In this one minute video I briefly discuss my money story and talk about the importance of mental health and how it ties to wealth–your mind is your most powerful organ!

Also check out my interview with NextAdvisor on Instagram (time stamp: 15:20) for some Save My Cents encouragement on topics such as the “two income trap” of the household, making difficult decisions important to the Save My Cents family, ways to think about lifestyle design, connections between mental health and financial wealth, and the significance of relationships in our lives.

More free information is always available on the @savemycents Instagram covering saving, retirement, mental health and finances, and focusing on what you value!


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