My story

Shang running outside

Hi, my name is Shang.

I came from a farmer’s family that survived the Cultural Revolution in China. My father studied in secret during that repressive time, and afterwards tested and got a full ride to college. He and my mother left me in China for a few years to make it abroad. When they came to get me at age 3, I didn’t even own a proper winter jacket. My father worked hard and became a world famous professor, started investing in his late 30s, and taught me the importance of never carrying debt and hoped that I’d be better at business than he was.

I went to Harvard with tuition fully paid for by my parents. I met my husband while attending the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, also on a half scholarship.

Both of us had been frugal since our first paychecks, achieving savings rates of 30%+ pre-tax, investing mostly in index funds. We both love numbers, and put behavioral econ / psych to practice in what we do.

Upon marrying, we lived off the lower of two incomes in the heart of Manhattan, and inadvertently, that high savings rate meant we achieved the ability to work optional (FIRE – financial independence, retire early) by the time I was 31. We aren’t retiring early as we have BIG philanthropy dreams. As the more emotional of the two, I learned that no matter how smart you are, if your heart and emotions are not under control, money is hard to control.

That is what brings me here today. To share my knowledge in a no-nonsense, non sugarcoated way, but mainly with the intent that I can help YOU change YOUR life on your own terms for the better.

Thank you, and I look forward to teaming up with you. I connect primarily through teaching and coaching.

For judgment-free, personalized coaching that is built with math, from debt free journeys to retirement to FI/RE journeys, click here

Media, corporations, and companies: Click here to get in touch.

Shang’s media appearances:




In person:
