Personal finance

Save My Cents featured in Nasdaq and Motherly

Save My Cents was highlighted in recent articles on Nasdaq and Motherly. Read on for special ways of how Save My Cents helps people with their money one cent at a time!


AAPI Entrepreneurs and Leaders to Watch This Month and Beyond


Nasdaq included Save My Cents in its list of AAPI entrepreneurs and leaders to watch. Save My Cents highlights the connection between psychology and money and believes that mindset is very important to help make positive choices and build your wealth.


19 time-saving tips to help increase your productivity



Physical activity is great not just for your body but also for your to-do list and bottom line. In this Motherly article, I share some of my favorite things to accomplish while getting my exercise on walks.


Want more ideas of practical ways to improve your money situation? Follow @savemycents on Instagram and @savemycentsfb on Facebook today!

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