I’m honored to be featured today on Episode 122 of the ever talented Jamila Souffrant’s Journey to Launch podcast (click to listen).

Here’s a list of the questions we covered
04:25 How did you reach financial independence by age 31
07:27 What is your cultural background? What were your parents like?
09:51 You reached FI/RE and still work. It’s about the journey.
12:09 Did you know you were working towards philanthropy in your 20s?
13:49 You said that while you saved a lot, it came with a consequence. The greed of your 20s helped you focus. Could you have reached where you are today without that mindset?
15:35 What do you do for a career right now? What do you think about increasing your income?
19:37 Let’s talk about the #IGetTo mindset
21:35 The outside world might think that those in FI/RE don’t have fun. How do you sustain that?
23:49 You’re expecting a child. How has that changed your perspective?
26:31 What are some ways people can reach their goals faster, more efficiently
30:30 You’re a content creator, Save My Cents is still a business. I found it was important to charge money. Have you come across the issue of charging people to incentivize them?
33:06 Is there anything you wish you could have done differently, now you’re on the other side?